Ayurvedic Wellness

Healing Sessions available at

Radiant Body - Sebastopol, CA

Empowered Ayurveda - Mt Shasta, CA


Pulse Consultation (Nadi Vijnanam)

60 MINUTES $70

The “Ayurvedic check up” - An assessment of the organs, channels, tissues & energetic body plus birth constitution. Includes nutritional support, lifestyle recommendations and suggestions for affordable home remedies. Available as a shorter add on to subsequent treatments.

Understand yourself elementally with a 3 part series for $177.

Go deep into the pulse, your unique blood song, with three sessions that will allow you and Simone to track changes in the subtle or gross body. Experience how ayurvedic remedies can alter digestion and energy through the pulse. Understand the chakras and their relationship to emotional health and the physical body. Track your current body symptomology and discover the unique constitution that was created at birth and get empowered to properly support yourself throughout life.

Eye Therapy (Netra Basti)

60 MINUTES $100 

Ghee bath- eye wash- Supports eyesight, nourishes the nervous system, bathes the cranial nerves. Focus on musculature release in relaxation of the head & neck.

Spine Soak (Katti Basti)

60 MINUTES $110

Rejuvenates the central nervous system & softens your spine using warm oil blend. Includes complete back massage with warm stones, gua sha.

VIP Days (Panchakarma) 

1 day $650 & 3 day $1700

Includes 3 sattvic meals, medicinal drinks, pulse consultation, bodywork, Ayurvedic remedies and treatments. Completely personalized after advance interview.

These include daily ozone or infrared sessions, steam sauna, lymphatic massage, aromatherapy, baths, shirodara, eye bath, facial steams, foot soaks, herbal supplements and more.

Second practitioner additional cost $150 per day.

Add-On Services

Gua Sha Tissue Toning (Rakta Moksha)

60 MINUTES $120 

Invigorating treatment for any area of the body. Gua Sha reduces scar tissue formation, breaks up adhesions, moves metabolic waste to the lymphatic system, tonifies and reduces the appearance of cellulite and shifts stagnant energy and emotions.

Muscle Tenderizing (Pinda Swedhana) 


Rhythmic kneading of the muscles using pouches filled with cooked rice and febrifuge herbs for tissue, muscle and joint health. Activate circulation, move air from the joints and increase blood flow with rhythmic movements.


Custom Blends For Healing

Simone can make custom medicinal blends for issues such as yeast, mold, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive upset, H-pylori, worms and parasites, nerve pain, respiratory issues, muscle tension, inflammation and more.

$50 for 5 ml

Sound Healing

Request additional time to receive deeper healing on an energetic level. Allow both the body, mind and spirit to open through vibration of sound. Tibetan and crystal Bowls, tuning forks, rock tapping, koshi chimes, rain stick, bells & more.

$30 for 20 min

Finnish Barrel Steam Sauna

Warm up tissues, decrease inflammation and aid detox before your session with barrel sauna (for sessions at Simone’s Wellness Retreat)

$15 for 20 mins Stand alone 30 min $20 Towel and slippers $5 rental